Infos for Filmmakers

Dear Filmmakers,

the Weekend Of Fear returns May 2025. The entry is Open from August, 2024 and ends March 29th 2025.

Festival Informations

16th & 17th May 2025

The festival takes place in Erlangen (Bavaria – Germany).


Of course, it´s a filmfestival, but a bit different.
2025 is the official 27th anniversary of WOF, but it started earlier, around 31 years ago. The makers of legendary HOWL-magazine thought that something must be done against the boring film-festival-landscape in Germany. Ok, nothing wrong with BERLINER FILMFESTSPIELE or HOFER FILMTAGE etc., but nearly none of the German festivals gave a chance to Independent filmmaking direction Horror, SF, Thriller and (most important!) obscure movies! Time to react… And the first WOF in Munich was a big success. Switching to Nuremberg and Erlangen was even better and the times the last three year were phenomenal! Meanwhile WOF became a kind of “cult” festival for all fans and makers of wicked movies. WOF is still an independent “show” working without any sponsoring or financial support from German gouvernement. It’s bad to have less money to organize, but it gives us free hand to do what we want. And even at the times of super digital home-movie-entertainment around 400 to 700 people party out three horrible nights with the WOF team.

Among our many guests and visitors over the last years we had: PETER JACKSON, JOERG BUTTGEREIT, LLOYD KAUFMAN, OLAF ITTENBACH, TIMO ROSE, UWE BOLL, JULIAN DOYLE and many more.


Yes, the WOF gives away awards (no money, but sweet!):
The only “eatable” filmaward allover the world is called “THE GLIBB” and is given away by our audience.

Short Films

Yes, we try to screen shorts!

How does WOF select films?

Every film You submit to the WOF will be watched and commented by our professional selection comitee. Production values: 1$ ore 20 million $. We do not care about it, so far it’s a GOOD movie.

Submission Informations

Formats for Screeners & Festival Screeningd

The Screeners must be submitted on DVD, Blu-Ray, Harddisc or upload.
For the Festival Screening we are able to use DVD and Blu-Ray in any format and perfect quality as well as DCP or uploaded HD-.mpeg4-Files. The turn/return shipping fees for DCP-HDDs must be born by submitting party.

Submission Eligibillity

No screenings at a festival in Germany, Austria or Switzerland before 1901 until April 2022. Means, You can also send old stuff! Submission packages must include a preview copy, press kit, synopsis of the movie, photos of the movie, director(s) and actors. All films in a language other than English or German must be subtitled in English or German.

Submission Fee

NO! No filmmaker, producer, actor etc. has to pay a fee. All shipping and posting costs to and from the festival must be borne by the submitting party. All entries from outside EU must be declared as “for Filmfestival screening only” value (more or less) US$ 10. We do not return any material which is sent to us!

Submission Form

The entry is open till March. Please use our submission form to provide all informations we need:

Submission Form

Contact & Postadress

Mr. Mike Neun
Glueckstrasse 1
DE-91054 Erlangen